Providing experience and compassion for families in aviation disasters.

Stevens Law has successfully represented clients and their families who have suffered catastrophic loss of life or injury, whether the reason is negligence of others or a defective product by the manufacturer.


Aviation disaster is caused by a unique set of circumstances and factors. We understand these unfortunate circumstances and the issues associated with each case, including jurisdiction, venue, conflicts of law and, most importantly, the needs of the victims and families. Our experience in negotiating this complex set of rules and laws that govern the airline industry gives Stevens Law a tremendous advantage when preparing a case. We work with families around the world, seeking full and fair compensation through the civil justice system. Using our keen knowledge and experience of this vast and ever-changing industry allows us to achieve amazing results.


In her most recent case involving an aircraft accident, Margaret Stevens obtained $2.7 million in settlement.  We are extremely proud of the results that we obtain for our clients, and know that our work helps make the skies safer for everyone.

We're here to help. 

Stevens Law, PC
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90048